S 47 Mandragora officinalis ( Mandrake)
With Mandragora essence, the organs in the upper abdomen in particular are weakened and prone to dysfunction. There is a general weakness of the stomach, which is linked to functional disorders of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas. There is a tendency to cramping, which can manifest itself in frequent abdominal cramps or spastic constipation. Digestive problems are often triggered by stimulants, fatty meals or irregular food intake. Ulcers can develop in the stomach and duodenum as a result of the stress. Remote symptoms of gastric and liver stress are sometimes headaches, which are associated with disturbing noises in the ears. The pain can be emphasised on the right side, usually occurs when the stomach is empty and improves with food
Physical transformation goals:
– Stimulate and stabilise the functions of the organs of the upper abdomen.
-In the case of digestive weakness, reduce distant effects on the heart, blood vessels and nerves.
– To be able to regulate painful changes in the musculoskeletal system.
Mental and spiritual transformation goals
– Find security and trust in yourself.
– To consciously open up to the world and be able to integrate into the community without coercion.
– Develop new courage to face life.
The S 47 Chip contains frequencies and information that are intended to support the properties and transformation goals of the mandrake on both the physical and spiritual levels.