HNN GHI (Brain Integration)
Our brain has to process all sensory perceptions (hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, balance, feeling), thoughts, feelings and instincts, be they conscious, unconscious or subconscious, at all times and in all situations in life.
Only when the brain optimally succeeds in this networking of the infinite number of brain areas and their functions do we experience stress-free and coherent behaviour, full of self-confidence and the associated self-esteem. We lead a balanced life in harmony with body, mind and soul.
Our brain is integrated!
However, there is usually a lack of optimal networking of related functions. The causes for this can be different, e.g.:
In the short term, brain function breaks down during special demands/stress (exams, job applications, arguments, pressure to perform, etc.).
Pre-natal and in the first years of life, brain integration does not develop optimally (non-integrated early childhood reflexes, pregnancy or birth stress in the mother, environmental factors).
In the course of life, brain integration is permanently lost (traumas in the conscious or subconscious mind, illness, environmental factors).
The second brain (the heart brain/heart) and/or the third brain (the abdominal brain/digestion) are imbalanced and the head brain is negatively affected. (According to TCM we have 3 brains).
As a result, mental or physical symptoms may occur – we have lost or never fully gained our brain integration. Retarded brain integration, however pronounced, also causes STRESS to the brain and can in turn lead to an imbalance in health.
However, the importance of proper cooperation between individual brain areas and their consistency in the face of stress is best illustrated by the example of reading.
The latest findings in brain research have shown that performance of any kind only functions without problems under the following three conditions:
The brain areas intended for the respective tasks function perfectly.
The cooperation of individual brain areas (= brain integration) necessary for more complex tasks is possible without restriction.
The cooperation of the individual brain areas is also possible under stressful situations (exams, job interviews, schoolwork, professional challenges, traumas, psychosomatic problems, etc.).
The chip should help to support brain integration so that the functionality and cooperation of the individual brain areas is possible without restriction even under extreme conditions.