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Do you also suffer from allergies and intolerances? Akury information chips can alleviate symptoms and contribute to lasting well-being.
Information chips are small plates that are assigned certain frequencies. They work according to the resonance principle: When they are worn on the body, the harmonizing vibration patterns gently vibrate into the organism, dissolve blockages and support the flow of energy. They can relieve pain, dissolve fears, strengthen concentration, increase endurance and much more. A groundbreaking method for more joy in life and energy that is finding more and more fans around the world.
If you have allergies or intolerances, we recommend the following akury information chips
Individuelle Austestung akury Chip Individuelle Austestung akury Chip

Individual testing

Are you unsure about the multitude of information chips? You don't know exactly which you need at the moment? Use my offer of the free and non -binding individual examination

Only send a personal photo (for example selfie, don't have to be up to date) by email

You can find more information about the testing on our website  frequently asked questions.

Payment Methods

Shipping & delivery information

Contact times

  • Monday - Friday
    8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
    3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday
    10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Contact routes


For the purposes of the Advertising Code of Practice for ‘Therapeutic Products’, AkuRy Products have been tested using only partially scientifically-based methods and therefore their effectiveness on any individual cannot be assured with total certainty. This material is presented for educational information only. AkuRy Products may provide protection against damaging environmental pollution. However, they should not be used as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, therapist or any other health care professional.
Copyright © Akury GmbH. All rights reserved.