Catalogs and instructions
Complete catalog (Download Deutsch (2021-2) I Englisch (2020-4))
The bioenergetic home and travel pharmacy – How the akury information chips function, work and how to use them. (Download Deutsch)
Instructions for handling the akury information chips – For therapists, business partners, customers and interested parties. (Download Deutsch (2021-1))
Product information and flyer
Scientific studies
As part of a scientific research project, the akury eProtect chip was examined for possible effects in the area of brain activity in the presence of electromagnetic radiation from mobile communications.
Research project: Examination of a possible effect of the akury Phone Chip (akury eProtect) on brain activity in the presence of electromagnetic radiation from mobile radio.
Head: Dr. Diana Henz and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schöllhorn; Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Institute of Sport Science, Department of Exercise and Movement Science.
Date: The study was completed and published in 2015.Final Research result 2015 (Download Englisch)
Individual case testing akury Duett EEG-Spontaneous activity (Download Deutsch)
Contributions to professional journals
- The Bioenergetic Home Pharmacy – The novelty from energy/information medicine. Published in Pulsar, Journal of Active Consciousness, Sept. 2020, Nr. 7, Seiten 41-42 (Download Deutsch)
- Being in harmony with yourself – even in stressful situations. Introduction to Bioenergetic Information Management. Published in, Complementary Medicine Journal, April 2019, Volume 25, Pages 48-51. (Download Deutsch)
- Introduction to Bioenergetic Information Management. Published in Die Naturheilkunde, Fachmagazin für Komplementärmedizin, 2018, issue 6, 95th year, page 49. (Download Deutsch)