It consists of the information chips AUS-AIM, a chip for the discharge of vaccine ingredients, the chip CHL, on which the information and frequencies of the Chlorella algae are imprinted. Both chips are initially intended to form the basis for the optimal discharge of vaccine substances.
Two other chips named RNA and DNA are to stabilize the protection of the genetic material stored in the DNA. The task of RNA is to transport and translate the information stored in DNA. The RNA Chip contains frequencies and formulas that are designed to help remove faulty DNA sequences and replace the correct code via the repair mechanisms in the cell.
The Information-Chips have coherent oscillations, which shall put the non-coherent oscillations of malfuntions / illnees in order
Besides the chips, an excretion on the materiel level is also desired. Algae or zeolite are well suited for this.
- AUS-AIM Excretion of vaccine ingredients
- CHL Chlorella Algae Chip
- DNAServes to protect the genetic material stored in the DNA
- RNA Serves to remove the defective DNA sequence
NEW The AUS-AIM chip has been significantly improved and now also contains the frequencies and information of the original source substancesof all harmful vaccine ingredients and vaccines, which are as follows:
MRNA Vac, Pfizer Vac, Moderna Vac, Vector Vac. The inoculants: Poloniom, Formaldehyde, Toluene, Isopropyl Alcohol, Dyes, Bisphenol A, OPT, Gadoliunium, Benzene, Fasciolopsis buski, Ascaris, Graphene Oxide and Spike Proteins.
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