Energetic Harmonization of Electromagnetic Pollution.
Strengthening your power of concentration and performance, and an improved regeneration of your body.
E-smog exists as a result of electromagnetic fields and radio waves such as those emitted by computers, wireless routers and wireless phones (DECT phones and cell phones).
Unprotected, these devices generate a ‘chaotic’ electronic frequency, comparable to the acoustic emission such as traffic or construction noise, or some other form of noise pollution. Electronic noise stresses the human body. It can cause, for example, concentration problems, irritability and nervousness, muscle tension, headaches and malaise.
Even though humans may not consciously recognize ‘e-smog’, the human body itself may register a general change of sensitivity and temperature (resulting from the physical stimulation of the water molecules within our cells).
Electro-sensitive people especially react to even low radiation exposure and suffer with symptoms such as tingling, loss of energy, poor concentration and demands for increased water consumption.
The AkuRy Stick works as a filter against man-made electromagnetic fields and radio waves and can be comparable to a ‘noise filter’ that helps prevent traffic noise.
AkuRy-Stick USB 3.0 with 7.5 GB storage capacity, silver (chrome-plated).