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  • Catalogs and instructions

    Complete catalog (Download Deutsch (2021-2) I Englisch (2020-4))

    The bioenergetic home and travel pharmacy – How the akury information chips function, work and how to use them. (Download Deutsch)

    Instructions for handling the akury information chips – For therapists, business partners, customers and interested parties. (Download Deutsch (2021-1))

  • Product information and flyer

    akury eProtect Chip  (Produktinformation Download Deutsch)

    akury eProtect Chip – Make protected calls with the akury eProtect (data sheet Download Deutsch)

    akury USB-Flash Drive – Harmonization of electrosmog (Flyer Download  Deutsch I Englisch)

    akury Energycard –More energy and vitality through the akury energy card (Flyer Download Deutsch I Englisch)

    akury Glass cubes travel set (Flyer Download Englisch)

    akury Schungit Anhänger  (Produktinformation Download Deutsch)

  • Scientific studies

    As part of a scientific research project, the akury eProtect chip was examined for possible effects in the area of brain activity in the presence of electromagnetic radiation from mobile communications.

    Research project: Examination of a possible effect of the akury Phone Chip (akury eProtect) on brain activity in the presence of electromagnetic radiation from mobile radio.
    Head: Dr. Diana Henz and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schöllhorn; Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Institute of Sport Science, Department of Exercise and Movement Science.
    Date: The study was completed and published in 2015.

    Final Research result 2015 (Download Englisch)

    Individual case testing akury eProtect (Download Deutsch)

    Individual case testing akury Duett EEG-Spontaneous activity (Download Deutsch)

  • Contributions to professional journals

    • The Bioenergetic Home Pharmacy – The novelty from energy/information medicine. Published in Pulsar, Journal of Active Consciousness, Sept. 2020, Nr. 7, Seiten 41-42 (Download Deutsch)
    • Being in harmony with yourself – even in stressful situations. Introduction to Bioenergetic Information Management. Published in, Complementary Medicine Journal, April 2019, Volume 25, Pages 48-51. (Download Deutsch)
    • Introduction to Bioenergetic Information Management. Published in Die Naturheilkunde, Fachmagazin für Komplementärmedizin, 2018, issue 6, 95th year, page 49. (Download Deutsch)
Individuelle Austestung akury Chip Individuelle Austestung akury Chip

Individual testing

Are you unsure about the multitude of information chips? You don't know exactly which you need at the moment? Use my offer of the free and non -binding individual examination

Only send a personal photo (for example selfie, don't have to be up to date) by email

You can find more information about the testing on our website  frequently asked questions.

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Shipping & delivery information

Contact times

  • Monday - Friday
    8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
    3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday
    10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Contact routes


For the purposes of the Advertising Code of Practice for ‘Therapeutic Products’, AkuRy Products have been tested using only partially scientifically-based methods and therefore their effectiveness on any individual cannot be assured with total certainty. This material is presented for educational information only. AkuRy Products may provide protection against damaging environmental pollution. However, they should not be used as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, therapist or any other health care professional.
Copyright © Akury GmbH. All rights reserved.